Trust Is Not About Thinking Trust Is About Feeling Our Way Through


One of the hardest things for us to do is trust ourselves.

We believe that we are not trust-worthy based on our history.

We feel that given the chance we will make the same mistakes again.

Yet, most of the time, when we look back the mistakes we made came from not truly trusting ourselves.

Something went wrong, and we think it's our fault.

If we really focus on the details, most of the time we will find that something didn't feel right, yet we still went forward because the was no hard evidence.

That's where we didn't trust ourselves.

We didn't trust the signals that were coming from our bodies.

We didn't trust our intuition.

We didn't trust that life was signaling us the best way it could at the time.

We trusted our minds over everything else, and it didn't turn out the way we expected.

Trust is not about thinking our way through something.

Trust is about noticing our feelings and believing without any other evidence, those feelings are true.

Our brains are actually lousy decision-making devices.

They are great for recording and measuring things.

Our bodies, our gut, our intuitive sense of life, is much better at feeling the way through to the right choice.

We are very trust-worthy when we use all that life has given us.

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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