Our Monsters Are Here To Protect Our Innocence


We all have monsters within us.

We are taught to shun our monsters and keep them hidden.

This is because most people don't really understand why the monsters are here.

By suppressing our monsters we allow them to fester in the unconscious.

And they will not stay there.

In time, all of our monsters come out.

Sometimes in positive ways, many times in damaging ways.

What we don't understand is that our monsters are here to protect our innocence.

They are here because our inner child cannot deal with some harsh reality.

Perhaps it is some form of physical pain or emotional trauma that is too difficult to accept.

Perhaps it comes from the loss of a parent or person close to us.

Whatever the reason for the appearance of our monster, it is not here to destroy us.

It is here to help us. To protect us. To serve us.

Yet we have to mature and learn when we are ready to release our monsters.

Yes, they served us well and kept us from the pain.

Yet as we grow and face our pain, our monsters are no longer necessary.

We are no longer dependent on our monsters.

We can see them for what they are, be grateful to them for their service, and allow them to be integrated into our lives.

Our monsters are a part of us, yet they do not have rule over us.

When we are open to our monster's messages, we can learn quite a lot about ourselves.

Our monsters are not that bad after all...

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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