Life Is Always A Mixed Bag So Focus On The Parts You Like


Life is always a mixed bag.

It is a mix of what we want and what we don't want.

It is a mix of what thrills us and what brings us down.

It is a mix of people we enjoy being with and people we don't.

The contrast is always there, yet ever-changing.

We can't get rid of the contrast, and indeed we probably shouldn't because we learn so much from it.

The bag will always be mixed.

The key is to focus on the parts of the bag that we enjoy, that uplifts us, and that supports us.

The parts of the bag that don't are also there for a reason. Let's learn from them and not judge them.

Ultimately, all the parts of the bag make up life. They are all part of the whole.

So let's have a little more compassion for the whole bag, and know that there will always be a mix.

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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