Each Day We Make A New Choice, Set An Intention, Envision Our Future!


Each day we start out new.

Each day we get to choose how we decide to go through our day.

For many people, they choose by default.

For some people, they choose intentionally.

If we are to live life to our greatest capacity, choosing intentionally is far superior to letting life choose for us.

As we continue to grow and raise our awareness, we begin to understand that the more intention we put behind our actions and our thoughts, the more life yields to our desires.

The more we envision our future, the more we envision next year, next month, or even tomorrow, the more we see that vision come true.

The beautiful part about it is that we don't have to stick to one the same intention.

Each day we can make a new choice, set a new intention, envision a new future.

From that day forward we can begin to build that future.

Of course, the more we change our minds the longer it will take to bring that new future into manifestation.

Yet, isn't it nice to know that our intentions aren't written in stone and can be changed when appropriate?

So let's start this day with an intention and a vision, and allow them to guide our actions.

Together, miracles can be created...

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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