Discernment Is Not About Figuring It Out - Its About Feeling It Out


Most people think discernment is about figuring out the right choice.

We use our logic minds to weigh all the pros and cons to come up with what we think is the best choice.

Yet discernment is about much more than making a rational decision.

Discernment is about how we feel about a given situation.

Often, we may find that there is not enough evidence to go in a particular direction.

Perhaps, we've just met someone for the first time and we think they should be a good person.

Maybe because other people have said good things about them.

Yet our impression, for no good reason, is that they are not trust-worthy.

Something just doesn't feel right.

When we shake their hand, we get a chill.

Then, we second guess ourselves.

We start telling ourselves that we shouldn't be judgmental and we should give the person a chance.

So we do. And what happens?

They turn out to be the creep we felt they were, yet had no evidence of it.

Discernment is listening to feeling, that intuitive understanding that something is off.

We don't have to know what is off, just that something feels off.

Sometimes it can as subtle as an inflection in their voice.

Or a look in their eye.

Or maybe it's just an energetic hunch.

Trusting those feelings goes a long way to having discernment.

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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