Boldness Builds A Life Free From Fear And Regret


There are many fears in life that bother us.

There's the fear of being alone.

There's the fear of loss of a loved one.

There's the fear of lack of resources.

There are many little fears we live with every day.

The fear of pain.

The fear of missing out.

The fear of being last.

All these fears, when taken to the extreme, are ultimately one big fear.

The fear of death.

The fear of the unknown that lies beyond that singular point at the end of life.

We fear to be alone because in the jungle it can mean death.

We fear to be without resources for that can lead to death as well.

We fear losing others because that only reminds us of our own mortality.

Yes, a healthy fear of death can help us to stay alive.

Yet when our fears become unhealthy and run our lives instead of our passions, we become paralyzed.

To overcome our fear of death is not natural.

To override that most basic instinct takes a lot of internal work.

Yet the more we learn to overcome the small fears, the more we eat away at the big fear.

The surest way to get past our fear of death is to live life fully.

To live with the reminder that every day could be our last.

To live life in bold, outrageous fashion.

Moderation is for monks.

Meekness is for puppies.

Fate favors the bold and being bold diminishes regret.

How can we be bolder in our own lives?

~ Sam Liebowitz, The Conscious Consultant

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